About us

About us


Our mission is to become the Global Leading Chemical Solution Provider as defined by supplier trust, customer loyalty and employee engagement.


Ravago Chemicals is the easiest and most reliable partner to do business with, in the Specialty Chemicals markets.
We strive to grow their businesses through unparalleled services, build on proximity and worldwide distribution capabilities.

We make serving our partners not just our job but our passion. At Ravago Chemicals, we take decisions based on what both our suppliers and customers really require, as well as the best possible way to fulfill those needs. Our focus lies on building powerful and long-term relationships with our partners, supported by financial strength and a robust supply chain network. Based on our extensive knowledge of our customers’ needs, we collaborate with market-leading specialty chemical and ingredient suppliers to deliver technical solutions to our customers worldwide, providing quality, innovation and sustainability.

We make serving our partners not just our job but our passion. At Ravago Chemicals, we take decisions based on what both our suppliers and customers really require, as well as the best possible way to fulfill those needs. Our focus lies on building powerful and long-term relationships with our partners, supported by financial strength and a robust supply chain network. Based on our extensive knowledge of our customers’ needs, we collaborate with market-leading specialty chemical and ingredient suppliers to deliver technical solutions to our customers worldwide, providing quality, innovation and sustainability.

Our values

Our values

During its evolution, Ravago has always put relentless emphasis on its values:

| Human focus
| Professionalism
| Entrepreneurship
| Humility

These are not just buzzwords, but the company’s core principles that define who we are, what we stand for, and how we want to be perceived. For us, staying loyal to who we are is crucial. Not only because this was Raf Van Gorp’s vision for the company, but because it has proven to be the foundation of Ravago’s success, and because it will define our future.



Sustainability has always been a large part of who we are. Ravago has been committed to various aspects of sustainability since the company was founded in the 1960s. Today, the word sustainability has become a different animal, politically charged, polarizing, often misunderstood and misused.

We want to take a stance on sustainability by sharing our interpretation, what it means to us and how we aim to make a difference on a global scale. Like our core values – human focus, professionalism, entrepreneurship and humility – our sustainability pledge is at the heart of our company and strives to reach a balance between people, the environment and business.

In other words, we are making a promise to our employees, customers, suppliers, and everyone who is a part of our company’s ecosystem. Together, we will make an impact through our sustainability pillars: Sustainable solutions, Responsible operations, and Empowered people.

‘We want to give back to the world what it has given us.’

‘We want to give back to the world what it has given us.’

– the Ravago family